LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

Friday 15 June 2012

That Was Then And This Is Now

So today has been pretty eventful for me. I cut all my hair off and i love it :). For most of my life i have had long hair, when i was little until about 12 years of age it was down to my bum. Then i had a bob but grew it out, then a bob again and grew it out. This morning it was nearly the length of where my bra strap is. Now, it is like Katy Perry's hair in Part Of Me video. I was in shock when i first had it done, but i love it and all the people i work with love it. So it's all good :).
I binged yesterday :(. I wanted to do it because i felt like i wasn't going to lose weight if i didn't have a high-cal day. Silly me, it was a bad idea really :(. So i planned to fast today but i had 2 chocolate chips biscuits. I didn't eat all the second one though because the roof of my mouth started to swell up and hurt. The chocolate chips had hazelnuts in them so i think i may be allergic :(. And i had a can of diet coke which has given me a horrible stomach ache. I don't usually have fizzy so i think it maybe because i am not used to the acid being in there. And that is all i have had today. I feel really guilty though because i didn't fast. I did some dancing and i am going to do some more in the minute. I think tomorrow i am going to have a 300 cals, so a yogurt, cup of tea and some fruit.
I hope all you girlies are doing well. 2 days til my weigh in.
x x x x

1 comment:

  1. Hey !
    I've just discovered your blog, and I think you're doing pretty well !
    I like the way you plan your intakes ^^ And that seems to work quite well, because you're really losing weight, even if it's little by little :)
    I wish you luck for the sunday's scale !
