LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Stronger Than I'm Used Too

Hello everyone,
I am super happy today, i fasted all day yesterday which i am really proud at. Also i weighed in this morning and the scales said 113.4lbs. I was not expecting that number. I thought i would at least be 114.
It seems that hard work does pay off.
I had work today so it was easy to avoid food, then when i came home i had half a apple, cup of coffee and three Ryvitas, which should be around 200 calories i think.
I have a headache, i don't know whether it's because i am tired or the lack of food. Does anyone else get headaches when they restrict?
I really hope i can keep this up.
Night night x x x